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Think Safety on the 4th of July

Fireworks displays on the 4th of July have been a favorite American past time for many years. According to Fox Business, it’s not always fun and games however, since there is a high rate of injury days before, during, and after this holiday due to driving accidents associated with drinking or mishandling of fireworks.

Fireworks not only cause bodily injury and death, but can also cause serious property damage. Always follow the proper safety procedures when using fireworks, which are available through government websites or through the National Fire Protection Agency. The best option for celebrating is to attend public fireworks displays since they are conducted by trained professionals and have the least injury risk associated with them.

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, “wooded areas, homes, and even automobiles have become engulfed in flames because of fireworks. Fireworks-related fires have typically caused at least $20 million in property loss (not adjusted for inflation) each year in recent years. A substantial portion of fire property loss to structures involves bottle rockets and other fireworks packaged as rockets. These rockets can land on rooftops or wedge within certain structures and still retain enough heat to cause a fire.” – Legal or not fireworks are too risky for amateurs: NFPA, June 2014

“In many states, fireworks are illegal so be sure to check to see if you can buy legally and use fireworks during your celebrations,” advises Frank N. Darras, America’s top disability insurance lawyer. “Not only do you need to maintain your safety around fireworks, but you also should make sure all your insurance policies are up-to-date. Since the holidays tend to have more than their fair share of injuries, it is important to be prepared. Health insurance, disability insurance, and homeowner’s insurance will go a long way if there are serious injuries or if your home is extensively damaged.”

Since injuries associated with fireworks can involve severe burns, a good health insurance policy is a necessity. Depending on the health insurance policy, a certain portion of a hospital visit and treatment will be covered. For those injuries that result in a long recovery period, a disability insurance policy will pay out benefits to the injured policyholder until he or she is able to get back to work.

“No one can ever be too safe when it comes to handling fireworks. No matter how entertaining they are, we all need to keep in mind the hidden danger. If you are not sure if your insurance policies cover injuries or damage from fireworks, get in touch with your trusted insurance agent before the 4th and discuss your options. Have fun this 4th of July with your friends and family and use common sense to keep you and everyone around you safe,” says Darras.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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