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If you’ve have an insurance claim denied, then you know what it feels like to feel the frustration that comes with that denial. Insurance can be denied for so many reasons, from disability claims to basic insurance claims being denied on the damaged mail you receive. Although insurance being denied on packaging is a far cry from disability denials, it has the same principles that you can consider.

In this case from Feb. 24, 2014, for instance, a man sued the USPS because he was missing part of his package when it arrived at his home. He was asked to provide evidence of the mishandled mail, and he returned a form to the Dead Parcel Branch asking them to look for his item. This is, of course, much like an insurance claim for benefits for medical costs or other issues. You may be asked to show evidence of your injuries or evidence of loss. Being prepared to have these things sent off to the company may help you quickly resolve any issues that come up.

This story focuses on the fact that a man paid for insurance on his package and that insurance ended up not covering the loss of his item. In his case, he filed the correct paperwork, but because of long wait times, he found that his claim was denied due to time frame constraints. This could also happen in your case with disability insurance or medical insurance. Many items have time limits in place, so you should submit your documents as soon as possible when you want to make a claim. Any claim can take time, but each must complete certain parts by a predetermined length of time or else you can be denied compensation.

Although your case may be very different from one involving the USPS, insurance works similarly across the board. You should not be denied with the appropriate evidence in California. If you are, an experienced attorney may be able to help you appeal the denial of benefits.

Source: eCommerce Bytes, “Online Buyer Sues USPS for Denying Insurance Claim” Ina Steiner, Feb. 24, 2014

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