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Every case is different, so there are many reasons that can be cited for a denied claim in California, but it all comes back to one central theme: The insurance companies would actually prefer to deny your claim, if possible. They go out of their way to find reasons why a denial can be used.

Some people make the mistake of thinking that a denial is only going to come when a mistake is made, such as when premiums are not paid on time. While this could, of course, result in a denial, it is far from the only reason. Insurance providers are actively seeking reasons with almost every case.

The fact of the matter is that insurance providers are corporations, and they have one goal: making money. The easiest way to earn money in this business is to take the premiums every month and then to refuse to pay out when someone requests it. It’s not that they’re trying to scam you, per se, but the companies will leave no stone unturned in looking for a reason why they can make this denial. Each denial means more revenue for the year.

You, however, are not looking at this from the same perspective. You expect to get the money that was promised in your policy, especially since you made those payments on time. For you, a denial can be frustrating and even heartbreaking. You have to find out what legal options you have to make sure that you get fair treatment in your case.

To learn more about this process, we encourage you to check out our page today.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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