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How do you select the right long term care insurance policy?

It is one thing to say that you are interested in buying a long term care insurance policy. It is another thing entirely to compare your options and make a final decision that will benefit you.

Selecting the right long term care insurance policy starts with learning more about this type of coverage. From there, it is time to make a list of the companies that sell policies.

Once you know what you are looking for and which company is best for you, there are several details that can point you in the right direction. These include:

— Elimination period

— Benefit amount

— Benefit period

— Covered services

— Indemnity rider

— Inflation protection

— Benefit eligibility

Along with these very important details, there is one other question to answer: Which company is offering the best policy at the most reasonable price? Like most, you are only going to purchase a long term care insurance policy if you are comfortable with what you are getting in return for your money.

At some point, it makes sense to contact an agent to discuss your thoughts and how you want to move forward.

There is a lot that goes into selecting the right long term care insurance policy, especially when you begin to consider all the options that are available to you.

If you want to make the right decision at the right time, learn more about what this type of coverage has to offer. Furthermore, get a clear idea of when you can receive benefits and how to file a claim.

Source: U.S. News & World Report, “7 Ways to Select a Long-Term Care Insurance Policy,” accessed Sep. 08, 2015

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