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Don’t give up when a claim is denied

Some experts have found that people are too quick to give up when they file a disability claim and then are turned down. When that denial comes in the mail, it’s just so devastating that they decide not to do anything about it. However, you can put in an appeal for many reasons, so it’s better to look into all of your legal options, rather than just giving up and moving forward without the benefits that you deserve.

It’s important to remember that you are not alone; in fact the majority of those who apply are denied at first, with some reports indicating that about 65 percent are turned down with the first application. In the year that study was conducted, 2.6 million people tried to get the benefits, so about 1.6 million were denied.

However, some studies have shown that 60-90 percent of those who appeal are then granted the benefits that they initially asked for. Of course, not everyone appeals, but this still shows just how possible it is to get disability payments, even if you’ve been turned down. That’s not necessarily the end step.

One reason for this is that simple mistakes can lead to denials. For example, you may fill out the wrong boxes on the application in one section. You’ll then be denied because your paperwork does not match what the government is looking for. However, this doesn’t mean you’re not eligible. It just means you filled the paperwork out incorrectly. Fixing the problem and appealing may help the application go through.

These payments are incredibly important to you in California, so don’t give up too soon.

Source: Disabled World, “Denied Social Security Disability – Now What,” accessed May 31, 2016

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