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7 Tips For How To Win A Disability Appeal

When you submit your disability claim, you don’t expect an immediate denial. Unfortunately, that often happens for many reasons. Remember, you can win many claims that insurers first deny with the help of a skilled disability lawyer.

The appeals process is complex and requires quick, timely action. The first step to appeal is to be sure you meet the policy’s proof of loss and appeal deadline.

If you became disabled and received a rejection of your claim, do not give up hope. You have options to appeal, and with the right help, you can get the benefits you deserve under your policy.

Top Tips To Win Your Appeal

Your disability appeal gives you one more chance to get the benefits you’re entitled to receive. What follows is a brief discussion of our top tips to help you win your appeal.

1. File A Timely Appeal

Your group ERISA policy requires a timely written comprehensive appeal.

2. Include The Correct Paperwork

For a proper appeal, you will need to submit medical, vocational financial, and occupational proof of your disability. You also need to submit complete paperwork showing all relevant testing, information, medications, objective evidence, including any new information, about your disability.

3. Attach A Detailed Letter Of Support

Please let family, friends, co-employees, doctors, caregivers who can outline how hard you tried to get better and how your disability prevents you from returning to work write a detailed letter.

4. Be Honest

Under no circumstances should you exaggerate or lie in your appeal letter or any documentation you file with your insurance company. Not only could your appeal still be denied, but stretching the truth could cause you additional legal trouble and headaches.

Make sure you’re also being honest and transparent with your doctor. The information your doctor provides could push your appeal over the top, so do not hold back when discussing your disability with your physician.

5. Submit Medical Evidence

Even if you submitted medical evidence during your initial claim filing, you should submit that evidence again, along with any new documentation you can provide. Medical records, tests and thorough chart notes of your care will play a key role in the outcome of your appeal request.

Any additional and new medical evidence you can submit will increase your chances of having your appeal approved. Discuss any evidence and medical reports with your doctor before you file your appeal.

6. Submit A Written Medical Opinion From Your Doctor

Discussing your limitations and restrictions with your doctor is also important because they may provide you with a detailed letter explaining their opinion of your medical condition, explaining the severity of your disability and how it affects your ability to work. This letter can prove invaluable at any stage of your appeal.

7. Speak With A Disability Attorney

The best thing you can do to increase your chances of a successful appeal is to speak with a skilled and experienced long-term disability attorney. Together with your legal team, you can chart a course for your successful appeal.

Your lawyer can help you collect the relevant medical information and other evidence necessary to bolster your appeal. Your lawyer can also ensure you do not miss the filing deadline, which could cause your carrier to deny your appeal outright.

This is why you must speak with a lawyer as soon as you receive the denial letter. Your lawyer needs as much time as possible to investigate your original claim, sickness, or injury, speak with your medical professionals, and build your case for a successful appeal.

Your attorney can aggressively investigate and negotiate your claim, all to get you a suitable outcome. Getting the disability benefits you’re entitled to should not be this much of a fight. Unfortunately, however, it often is, and that’s when you need a trusted and seasoned disability appeal attorney guiding your case.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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