Talk To A Disability Lawyer Now
(800) 898-7299
Helping The Disabled From Coast to Coast
We've Recovered Nearly $1 BILLION In Wrongfully Denied Insurance Benefits

Nationally recognized

DarrasLaw has a reputation for excellence. Its attorneys have received countless awards, published hundreds of articles, & been invited to lecture on types of disability insurance.

Experience Matters

Our legal team brings over 100 years of insurance, claims & litigation experience to the table. No one has seen more, evaluated more, & resolved more disability insurance problems than us.

Our Clients Love Us

It’s our honor to represent chronically ill, injured, and disabled policyholders. We are passionate about helping them recover wrongfully denied or unreasonably delayed insurance benefits.

Our Clients Will Not Be Bullied By Billion Dollar Insurance Companies

Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co.

Are You Expecting Disability Benefits From Colonial Life That Have Not Been Approved?

If you have tried to collect benefits on a Colonial Life disability policy after becoming unable to work because of illness or injury, you may have experienced delays and denials because of alleged pre-existing conditions. It turns out that you are not alone; many policyholders have had a similar experience.

If you were told that your pre-existing condition made you ineligible for benefits, even though you made all premium payments, you may have options. Speak with a top-rated disability appeals attorney at DarrasLaw to learn about your rights and options after being denied disability benefits by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance. Call 800-898-7299 or contact us online for a free initial consultation.

Examples Of Insurance Bad Faith By Colonial Life

Colonial Life insurance claim lawyerStories abound about disability benefit denials by Colonial Life:

  • One policyholder was told that she should have gone to urgent care when she first started to feel sick, and the insurer refused to pay for workdays missed before she saw a physician for a diagnosis.
  • Another was denied benefits because Colonial Life claimed it had never received medical records for the initial claim.
  • A third policyholder was told that claims for pre-existing conditions would be honored after five years, but she experienced delays even though her first surgery for the condition was seven years before the claim.
  • A policyholder diagnosed with atrial fibrillation was told that because he had high blood pressure when he applied for disability insurance, the insurer would not cover his claim based on atrial fibrillation.

If you have filed a disability claim with your disability insurance provider because you are unable to work, our team of top-rated attorneys understand that you may be suffering significant financial stress that can work to make your medical problems worse. Nationwide, our disability attorneys at DarrasLaw are here to help you obtain the monthly disability benefits you need and deserve.

What to Do if Colonial Life Delays or Denies Your Disability Benefits

While you might read stories of how Colonial Life & Accident Insurance delays or denies benefits to policyholders, what should you do if you find yourself in this situation? If you are unable to perform your occupational duties, you will need your disability benefits to cover your household bills, and any unnecessary delay can be devastating.

Many claimants reach out to Colonial Life about delays and get the runaround or even no response at all. If you did not contact a Colonial disability insurance lawyer yet, now is the time to do so. Our attorneys are familiar with Colonial Life’s obligations under the law, and we know how to communicate to get straight answers and results when they are delaying claims or your disability benefits.

An even more stressful situation involves receiving a denial letter from Colonial disability insurance. The denial communication should spell out the specific reasons why the company is denying the claim. You should immediately seek legal help and provide our team with the denial letter and any other communications along with your policy and the application.

We can review your claim file and advise you of your options for an appeal, and we can begin developing a successful appeal strategy. This can involve one or more of the following:

  • Identifying and meeting all appeal deadlines set out by the company’s process or the Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) for employer-sponsored plans, or state law for non-employer-sponsored policies
  • Gathering and providing any new information or evidence to support your claim, possibly including additional medical examinations, records, evaluations by occupational, vocational and financial experts
  • Filing an insurance bad faith lawsuit if you exhaust all appeal procedures and Colonial Life still denies your valid claim for benefits

Since there are always strict timelines for an appeal, you should never delay in contacting an attorney after receiving a denial letter. The sooner you call, the sooner our legal team can review your options and seek the benefits you deserve.

Why You Need an Attorney Familiar with Colonial Disability Insurance Claims

Many attorneys try to handle disability insurance claims and appeals. However, if your claim is with Colonial Life & Accident Insurance, you want to make sure your legal team has specific expertise and experience dealing with this particular company. This is because Colonial Life uses specific tactics to avoid paying rightful benefits to claimants.

Attorney Frank Darras
Attorney, Frank Darras

Often, if you cannot perform the duties of your occupation, you need to start receiving benefits as soon as possible to prevent unnecessary financial problems. Having legal representation from the start of the claim process can help this happen, as Colonial adjusters know their tricks will not work on our seasoned and zealous attorneys.

However, if you filed the initial claim on your own, it is never too late to get our law firm involved. This is especially the case if Colonial Life delays or denies your disability claim. We know the most effective communication and legal tactics to use with this company’s adjusters, so we can best stand up for your rights as a Colonial disability insurance policyholder.

Call A Disability Benefits Attorney At DarrasLaw

If your valid claim for short or long-term disability benefits was denied outright or if Colonial Life has unreasonably delayed paying your benefits, our lawyers have experience with disability insurers and obtaining your benefits. We are familiar with the tactics and excuses used by this insurer to limit the amount it pays out in claims. Call us at (800) 898-7299 or contact us online for a free consultation to discuss your case.

Our Promises To Our Clients

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Disability Tips

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Reason #1

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

We are the most awarded disability law firm in the nation. Insurance companies will not pay full value of a case if they don't respect the law firm representing you.


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DarrasLaw was the answer to my prayers. I am grateful for the way they handled my case.

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I think Frank Darras was just absolutely brilliant. He didn't miss one detail of the case. In the end, we were successful. It happened for us that it was a financial victory and a moral victory.

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I would like to say to any potential client that if you feel as though no one is listening to you and you are being run around by your insurance companies. I can't recommend DarrasLaw highly enough.

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Getting help means calling the right attorney...and the right attorney will be Frank Darras.

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DarrasLaw did a great job for me... I highly recommend them to resolve your issues because they can do it.

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DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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