Year: 2014
Appealing an individual disability insurance denial
Posted December 8, 2014
As a working professional with individual disability insurance coverage, you hope you never have to make a claim. If you find that you do, it means you have been disabled and are now looking into your options for collecting benefits. Since you pay for coverage, month in and month out, you expect the benefits to […]
How does ERISA impact disability claims?
Posted December 4, 2014
We’ve talked about the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 previously here. However, many people may not realize that in addition to regulating retirement plans offered to employees by private businesses, it also regulates the disability insurance plans available through these businesses. The ERISA regulations help ensure that workers get the disability benefits to […]
Death of OSU athlete provides us with important reminder about concussions, mental health, and young athletes
Posted December 2, 2014
Devastating news broke yesterday: Ohio State football player Kosta Karageorge, who disappeared Wednesday, was found dead Sunday night in a dumpster near his apartment. Authorities said Karageorge was the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but do not yet know what precipitated his suicide. However, an article in the Washington Post makes connections between […]
Long term care insurance, how to make a claim, and more
Many of our California readers receive long term care insurance, disability insurance, and other types of coverage through their employer. There are also people who have to purchase an individual policy to ensure that they have the protection they need. Before you do anything regarding long term care insurance, you need to know what you […]
What is the Employment Retirement Income Security Act?
Posted November 25, 2014
Like many of our California readers, you may have heard the abbreviation ERISA in the past. While some have a basic idea of what this means, others are in the dark and wonder if it pertains to them in any way. ERISA stands for the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. According to the […]
Important considerations when choosing long-term care insurance
Posted November 23, 2014
We’ve talked here many times about the importance of having long-term care insurance. We know that one of the primary reasons that people don’t get it is the cost. However, how much you pay for a long-term care policy can depend on how much thought and planning you put into your choices The head of […]
Helping nurses get the disability benefits they deserve
Posted November 20, 2014
People in the nursing profession are among the hardest working and often least appreciated people in the workforce. They have more contact with patients than many physicians do and are essential to the treatment and healing process. At DarrasLaw, we know that nursing can be not just an emotionally difficult profession but a physically challenging […]
Who needs insurance for a long term disability?
Posted November 18, 2014
Since you never know what the future holds, it is always good to have the appropriate amount of insurance coverage at all times. While some people are comfortable with their insurance situation, others are unsure of whether or not they are coming up short in this department. If you fear that a long-term disability could […]
Posted November 12, 2014
Being a professional athlete is a dream that many people share. While this appears glamorous on the surface, those who work in this capacity realize there are many risks, such as being injured. When players are sidelined due to injuries or sickness, the income they have come accustomed to may go away soon enough. Many […]
Important insurance options to consider during open enrollment
Posted November 10, 2014
As the annual open enrollment period for employee benefits rolls around again, millions of workers in California and around the country are looking at their insurance and other benefit options and making their 2015 selections. While health insurance choices often take up most of our focus, it’s essential not to overlook other employer-provided benefits that […]